Oliver Groszer
Oliver Groszer offers beginners courses in juggling with balls and one-to-one expert tuition.
Oliver Groszer offers beginners courses in juggling with balls and one-to-one expert tuition.
Specialist courses in 3 balls, 4 balls, clubs; diabolo and flower-stick for beginners. Courses in English and Italian.
Storytelling, Comedy and Performance techniques are investigated and developed by Christian Rogers. With 35 years of experience in performance Christian is your guide to improving your skills, perception and delivery.
World-class expert in large ball spinning and juggling. “Andreas Wessels is brilliant.” (New York Times)
TUTOR Ben Cornish Courses | Kurse: Creativity with Ball Juggling Languages | Sprachen: English Photos VIDEOS Ben Cornish Introduction English CV Course information | Kurs Information Course 1 kurs 1 words This course Course 2 kurs 2 words This Course 3 kurs 3 words Many Course 4 kurs 4 words Course 5 kurs 5 words
Tutor Jessica Savalla Courses: Hula Hoop Languages: EnglishOne-to-one course available in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Photos CV Hello, I am Jessica Savalla. I am a professional juggler and hula hooper from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil based in Berlin. I come from a circus family and had my first contact with the disciplines at the age
TUTOR Markus Furtner Courses | Kurse: Devilstick und Flowerstick Languages | Sprachen: Deutsch Photos VIDEOS CV Mein Name ist Markus Furtner und habe mich als Jongleur auf Devilstick spezialisiert. Meine Faszination für dieses Requisit brachte mich zu internationalen Bühnen und Festivals bis hin zum Cirque du Soleil. Meine Kunst bringe ich Kindern und Erwachsenen bei.
TUTOR Max Fröhlich Courses | Kurse: Diabolo Languages | Sprachen: English, Deutsch Photos VIDEOS CV Max Fröhlich ist seit 3 Jahren hauptberuflich als Artist und Moderator mit seinem Bühnenpartner Benno Jacob unterwegs. Zusammen sind sie „Benno & Max“ (früher Twin Spin). 2017 gewannen die beiden die Diaboloweltmeisterschaft in Taiwan in der Sparte Duo. Unter anderem
Hula Hooping expert Hanna Lange brings -on-body, off-body, twin-hoop and one-to-one courses to the Juggling Academy.
Diabolo expert Benno Jacob has performed many international shows as one half of comedy, artistry and moderation duo Benno and Max aka TwinSpin